Israeli Fashions.

Israeli Fashions.
Israel is now taking the International Stage with its fashions innovations.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Israeli Culture and the Rising of its Single Civilization.

Israeli culture is the most complex make up of different observances, cultural norms, attitudes, practices which emerged from several ethnicities, and cohesion to varied personal value systems which can not be found anywhere except in The Jewish State of Israel.  As a nation the Israelis have defied to the world that no one can define who they are, as they have discovered among themselves they as a peoples are together in an unending human path of real human discovery each and everyone with personal convictions  who are still adjusting , even right now, to each other in search of greater national goals.

Democracy finding is how such cultural adjustments are being brought about, while additional cautions are taken as part of  how the Israelis have defined of what it means to be an adult,  The resulting individuals impacted by self - recognitions and fears of extinction pressed upon their own existence and with still outside forces seeking to push them back into a path of destruction have maintained an internal national awareness that in spite of their internal and at times passionate differences, even those which are very personal they must remain united as this is their own means of survival. Thus politically Israeli behavior is still undergoing revolutions to codify what they as a peoples who are in the throes of national liberation have only discovered thus so far. For those outside political pundits on The Israeli political scene their views are extremely limited to  only a set of mere guesses, as they have not understood the Israeli nationhood is still in its founding stages, Thus liberation means a still process of revolutions created by the greatest national journey to reemerge the lost foundations of the Israel civilization, returned, or mesorah, of linking Jewish nationhood to being self - dependent to finally to be Jewish,,,,,,, AND FREE TO DO SO!

Every Israeli who is conscious of their own ethnic heritages are vested with innate tears imprinted by historic extinctions, how they were historically manifested, and therefore in reflection of their national liberation to fight back creating passionate external behaviors promoting human celebrations with vigor and purpose. WE will LIVE to be FREE with fullness of LIFE. The emerging success of which Israel has become the First Child Rearing Base Centered Modern Civilization of both the 20th, and 21st Centuries..

Their unity revolves around how the Arab world behavior towards their existence, meaning the destruction of all forms of Jewish self - determination, and even of being Jewish has forced once extinct deep aspects of Ancient Jewish - Israel related forms of  civilization of a once being a self - dependent independent civilization to become their national imperatives of both social and political discoveries to reconstruct. In the ends of established and known discoveries as being a peoples have resulted, likewise, means the reemergence of The Temple Culture, their central connection to a Jewish Jerusalem, destroyed by The Ancient Roman Empire as the Israeli spiritual culture and observing Jewish communities are on their own path of discovery..  The impact of which has transcended them as an ethnic and religious observing peoples into its present set of coalition behaviors which makes their internal organizations possible, to bring life and full human passions of finally acting like a unified Jewish peoples extracted from within a very, very, very tough neighborhood by National Liberation into a Jewish, then Israeli International Self  - dependent civilization for the future of all children under the Jewish State..

The imperatives which brought about the emergence of The Jewish State of Israel are all based upon a peoples desire to express their Jewish aspirations and expectations for a more fuller life  - where the struggle for acceptance of being Jewish is never questioned or brought up, but being Jewish  is fully liberated. That the scourge of acceptance finding which is the bane of Jewish communities who live among other nations are completely absent within the Jewish State.  The Holocaust reflects how in the throes of acceptance finding, the various Jewish communities, their Jewish identities among other nations were marginalize to the extent in which genocide as a form of state craft was able to inflict mass murder upon whole segments of European Jewry. The emergence of The Jewish State of Israel is now destroying the impact of very deep psyche such imprinted negative behavioral emotional traits within those who made Aliyah, and their central human drives are slowly being redeveloped in which being Jewish are all  never marginalized; the Israeli peoples single imperative, which in the Israeli point of view such aspects of imposed marginalization of being Jewish have all  proven to be the path to extinction. In addition, that singularity of being a Jewish Israeli completely liberates Jewish feelings of personalized existence from such outside forces who attempts to force themselves to be a power over their individual and personal Jewish lives, faith, and peoples.

The full power of being Jewish is solely determine by oneself as being Jewish.  This is the single justification of the " JEWISH " State of Israel.

The dramatic small size of the country, its culture spreads out from many different bases, all of which will can not be fully be addressed in this introduction.
To make a journey into Israeli culture is to take a trip into the furthest depths of the psyche of its people – precisely what this Facebook attempts to likewise focus on the varied emerging cultural norms within The Jewish State of Israel  aims to do. Before such an undertaking, however, a number of background elements need to be pointed out. Never to violate or diminish The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith.....

For once The National Liberation of The Jewish Peoples fully brings about the redevelopment of lost Jewish - Israeli centric institutions necessary to link being Jewish - Israeli to being a complete Self - Dependent and very viable civilization,
the world itself will discover, only afterwards, it too will become free. Hatred of the Jewish peoples has made the world being enslaved and chained to its own destruction by tyrannies known, ie, Nazism, and those who are unknown,

Remember the sharing - s for a dynamic revolution.......